Plantar warts or verrucae are caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV) and present as a skin lesion that resembles a callus on the bottom surface of the foot. Warts are infectious and can be caught simply by touching an infected site of another infected individual. However, more likely environments tend to be shared showers and swimming pools as the warm, humid environment of these area help to preserve the virus outside of the human skin. Warts do not pose any health risks to humans and do not need to be removed unless they are painful, spreading or of aesthetic concern.
Warts of the foot are frequently painful because the infected individual is walking on them and they subsequently push into the skin. We are the experts when it comes to treatment of warts or plantar fasciitis in West Sydney. There are a number of different treatment options available to remove warts, and these are relatively painless and include the use of topical acids, liquid nitrogen or even surgical removal. It should also be noted that some warts may spontaneously resolve. It is best to discuss treatment options with your Podiatrist. Treatment time will vary depending on the treatment plan chosen, from a few days to a few months. Contact us for further information about treatment of plantar fasciitis in West Sydney.